Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pene Pretzels - A Movie Night Favorite!

One of my favorite things as you know is to cook...but more than that it is always to be with my family.  My husband and 3 daughter/extended family (mom, brothers, nephew & nieces) keep me forever cooking.  

My middle daughter loves to have friends over and she is becoming a great cook in her own right.  Whatever your occasion may be, she's going to bake or make these Pene Pretzels...because that is just what she does.  

She's the first to call you on your birthday, be it midnight as her friends and sister know, and my proudest moment with her cooking was when one of her dear friends realized I made the cookies and not Bethany...and that wasn't a compliment on me.  What he meant is that Bethany always watches her baking better than old mom -  who is very easily distracted.  

My husband says I can cook about anything, just not bread as it is always burned as I am forever doing 20 things at once. 

I got this recipe from my husbands best friends 3rd was the hit of the wedding and when they accidentally got spilled everyone jumped up because they were so darn good. 

These are a go to snack for my daughters movie nights at our house.

Pene Pretzels

2 large bags of pretzels
1 package Ranch powdered dressing mix
1 tsp. lemon pepper
1 - 2 tsp. garlic salt
1 cup Canola or Vegetable Oil

1. Mix together Ranch powdered dressing, lemon pepper, & garlic salt. 2.Add spice mixture to the oil in a medium size bowl.  In a large bowl (giant actually), begin to place 2 cups of pretzels at a time.  
3. Continually stirring and scooping mixture of spices and oil, one tablespoon at a time and drizzle over the pretzels.  
4. Continue this process, layering pretzels over 'wetted' pretzels until all of the spice/oil mixture is gone and pretzels are coated.  
4. Taste a pretzel.  If it is not salty enough, sprinkle more garlic salt.  But be careful or you can sprinkle too much! 

At our state and national cattle shows, I usually place these in individual sandwich bags and put out as snacks in the afternoon.  It's always a hit and especially good with an adult afternoon beverage.  ;o)  

I hope you love this as much as our family and my daughter's friends do.  It is always highly requested, especially by those big old football boys! 

Get cooking - Alise

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