
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Ranch Kitchen's Spicy Mexican Pretzels

State testing!!  I could write a mile long blog post on just the anticipation and preparation alone for it that we do in Texas schools alone!  However, I am so proud it is finally here and our students and teachers are ready!  We are going to 'blast' the STAAR Test! 

Today as we normally do at our campus we feed our sweet teachers with tons of snacks and cold drinks to help them make it through the day!  Testing sessions are long and our teachers are so deserving of any special thanks we can give them!  

Today I made my Pene Pretzels, except I left at home most of the spice ingredients!  So, as I am known to do I created a new creation and walla we now have my Spicy Mexican Pretzels with the help of the spice rack in my school cafeteria!  Who knew we had Mexican Seasoning...never heard of it...but now I have and will use it for everything!

These pretzels were a huge hit and hope they all like them because they will enjoy them again tomorrow!  I now have new recipe to share with you all, serve to our staff and my family and friends at home!

Spicy Mexican Pretzels

2 bags of Pretzels
1 package of Ranch Dressing powdered mix
2 teaspoons of Mexican Seasoning 
2 teaspoons of garlic powder
1 teaspoon of salt

Mix all spices with a whisk...or as I did by swirling the spices in the bowl to mix as I walked down my school hallway from our cafeteria!  Add to the spices one cup of oil (vegetable or Canola oil) and mix well.  
Place one layer at time of the pretzels in a large bowl drizzling your oil and spice mixture over the top.  Continue to layer and mix occasionally with a spoon to coat all pretzels.  Make sure as you drizzle the oil that you drag the oil/spice mix from the bottom of the bowl and coat all pretzels.  

Allow to sit for thirty minutes and serve!  
 These would be great divided in to individual snack bags and used for ballgames or trips on the road!  I regularly make my Pene Pretzels for our stock show Hereford family each summer at our shows! Click here for the link to my original pretzel recipe! The Ranch Kitchen's Pene Pretzels


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