This week marked a milestone in our family when my youngest daughter Audrey turned 13! What a blessing she has been to our family. The last of our three girls and our 'baby' is all to quickly growing up.
This weekend we celebrated with getting her ears pierced of which is a tradition with our girls when you turn 13. We told her if Bethany her middle sister could do it she could...because she doesn't do anything that involves pain. She did it all while holding a teddy bear provided by the Claire's assistant.
Later on during the weekend, we continued the celebration with several of her closest friends, cousin Zoe, Nanny and had a slumber party with pizza on the grill, a chocolate fondue with sweets and fruits, cookie cake and hayride on the back porch by the fire.
In the morning, we will have her request of her big sister Ilissa's Breakfast Soft Tacos. Thankfully we get fresh farm raised eggs from Scott's brother Terry. They are always put to good use, especially with my middle daugther Bethany's love for baking sweets.
Tonight in the middle of the slumber party I am able to blog a little while watching these sweet girls put on performances for each other. I don't know if I'd ever be able to handle boys....I guess they wouldn't be inside, but camping outdoors. However, I couldn't imagine being any more lucky than to have been a mother of three girls.
My mom told me tonight how lucky I was and I know she is right. I'll gladly take a night watching these girls dance, share their junior high stories, and act like they are still not teenagers one more time...because as Scott said after the hayride, "you got this" and went to bed. And I guess he's right. I've got a 'passle' of girls and couldn't be more blessed!
Soft tacos are an easy dish to put together. We love ours with scrambled eggs, sweet onions, crumbled sausage (or shredded beef or bacon), and Colby Jack cheese all rolled up in flour tortillas and topped with a tomato salsa. This recipe is just that simple! |
Special thanks to our Bethany for taking this picture of Audrey!
Happy birthday Audrey! We love you so much! Enjoy your teenage years!
Love, Mom
Audrey and her sweet cousin Zoe! Her and her mom Leslie always have the best gifts for our girls! |
Audrey and her best friend Jaici and her sweet gift...who will be a blogger one day I'm sure! |
Audrey with my husband Scott and I. |
Audrey and her mom. |