
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Ringing In The New Year With The Ranch Kitchen

The new year is almost here and it's time to make those new year resolutions! This year, my resolutions are to organize my house, blog more by posting more recipes and continue to spend time doing the things we love as a family. Family is first in my life and above all things it's always my goal to make special moments and cherish the quality time I get to spend with them all.  I am extremely thankful for the year we have had and realize how lucky we are in so many ways.

Nothing speaks the New Year's foods like black-eyed peas, cabbage, my Cajun Baby Back Ribs or this fun black-eyed pea appetizer below. Let The Ranch Kitchen help you ring in the new year with this medley of good luck, prosperity and healthy recipes that will start your year off right.

For starters to bring in that good luck you must have black-eyed peas.  I'm a little superstitious, so we make these from scratch on New Year's Day.  These Black-Eyed Peas are a sure fire hit and simple to make.  You can use your crock pot and cook them all day or put them on the morning of for you lunch or afternoon for your evening meal. If you are Kielbasa link sausage fan, add that to the pot as your cabbage cooks for an easy meal everyone loves too.

 Black-eyed Peas

Since cabbage is green naturally in color, it represents the color of money. So eat lots and lots of cabbage on New Year's Day as well.  Cabbage is good for you to start with and my Granny's is Wilted Cabbage is one of The Ranch Kitchen's biggest hits.  Cabbage, my friends, is a worldwide vegetable that everyone loves and this recipe is easy, easy to make and serve. 

 Granny's Wilted Cabbage

This Black-eyed Pea Salsa is more of an appetizer for New Year's Eve, but is great as a side vegetable  along any meal when you are wanting something a little different.  I made this in bulk this year and will serve it with tortilla chips.

 Back-eyed Pea Salsa

Next it's tradition to serve pork ribs for our meal as well on New Year's Day. This crazily represents how pigs root their noses forward when they nudge the ground...I can't make this it means you will be going forward in the new year. At any some pork and don't go backwards. It's the other white meat and my Cajun Back Baby Ribs are the best way to make them. You don't have to have a grill to make it, so your oven will do just fine. 

 Cajun Back Baby Ribs

So Happy New Year from The Ranch Kitchen!  Thanks for following my site. It's been such an unexpected thrill these last years adding to my site and sharing our recipes with you.  Here's to the new year with all the luck, prosperity and happiness you can have!

Alise - The Ranch Kitchen